Rashotte Lab Publications
(Lab members are underlined)
Guillemette AM, Hernández Casanova G, Hamilton JP, Pokorná E, Dobrev PI, Motyka V, Rashotte AM, Leisner CP (2025) The Physiological and Molecular Responses of Potato Tuberization to Projected Future Elevated Temperatures. Plant Physiology. https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae664
Swinka C, Hellmann E, Zwack P, Banda R, Rashotte AM, Heyl A (2023) Cytokinin Response Factor 9 represses cytokinin responses in flower development. International Journal of Molecular Science. 24: 4380.
Pavlů J, Kerchev P, Černý M, Novák J, Berka M, Jobe TO, López Ramos JM, Saiz-Fernandez I, Rashotte AM, Kopriva S, Brzobohatý B (2022) Cytokinin modulates sulfur and glutathione metabolic network. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73: 7417-7433.
Keshishian EA, Cliver BR, McLaughlin WF, Hallmark HT, Plačková L, Goertzen LR, Novák O, Cobine PA, Leisner CP, Rashotte AM (2022) Cytokinin Response Factor 2 (CRF2) is involved in modulating salt stress response. The Plant Journal 110: 1097–1110. Web link
Hughes AM, Hallmark HT, Plačková L, Novák O, Rashotte AM (2021) Clade III Cytokinin Response Factors share common roles in response to oxidative stress responses linked to cytokinin synthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 72: 3294–3306. Web link
Pokorná E, Hluska T, Galuszka P, Hallmark HT, Dobrev PI, Drábková LZ, Filipi T, Holubová K, Plíhal O, Rashotte AM, Filepová R, Malbeck J, Novák O, Spíchal L, Brzobohatý B, Mazura P, Doležálková L, Zahajská L, Motyka V (2021) Cytokinin N-glucosides: occurrence, metabolism and biological activities in plants. Biomolecules 11: 24. Web link
Hallmark HT, Rashotte AM (2020) Cytokinin isopentenyladenine and its glucoside isopentenyladenine-9G delay leaf senescence through activation of cytokinin-associated genes. Plant Direct 4(12): e00292. Web link
Hughes AM, Zwack PJ, Cobine PA, Rashotte AM (2020) Cytokinin regulated targets of Cytokinin Response Factor 6 involve potassium transport. Plant Direct 4(12): e00291. Web link
Hallmark HT, Černý M, Brzobohatý B, Rashotte AM (2020) trans-Zeatin-N-Glucosides have biological activity in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232762 Web link
Berková V, Kameniarová M, Ondrisková V, Berka M, Menšíková S, Kopecká R, Luklová M, Pan L, Novák J, Spíchal L, Rashotte AM, Brzobohatý B, Černý M (2020) Arabidopsis response to inhibitor of cytokinin degradation INCYDE: Modulations of cytokinin signaling and plant proteome. Plants 9: 1563. Web link
Berka M, Luklová M, Dufková H, Berková V, Novák J, Saiz-Fernández I, Rashotte AM, Brzobohaty B, Cerny M (2020) Barley root proteome and metabolome in response to cytokinin. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 1647. Web link
Rashotte AM (2020) The evolution of cytokinin signaling and its role in development before angiosperms. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology Web link
Dufková H, Berka M, Luklová M, Rashotte AM, Brzobohatý B, Černý M (2019) Eggplant germination is promoted by hydrogen peroxide and temperature in an independent but overlapping manner. Molecules 24: 4270. Web link
Powell PV, Willett CR, Goertzen LR, Rashotte AM (2019) Lineage specific conservation of cis-regulatory elements in Cytokinin Response Factors. Scientific Reports 9:1-11. PDF link
Hallmark HT, Rashotte AM (2019) Review – Cytokinin Response Factors: Responding to more than cytokinin. Plant Science 289. Article 110251 PDF link
Melton AE, Zwack PJ, Rashotte AM, Goertzen LR (2019) Identification and Functional Characterization of the Marshallia (Asteraceae) Clade III Cytokinin Response Factor (CRF). Plant Signaling & Behavior. 14:9. Link
Keshishian EA, Hallmark HT, Ramaraj T, Plačková L, Sundararajan A, Schilkey F, Novák O, Rashotte AM (2018) Salt and oxidative stresses uniquely regulate tomato cytokinin levels and transcriptomic response. Plant Direct 2: 1–13. PDF link
Striberny B, Melton AE, Schwacke R, Krause K, Fischer K, Goertzen LR, Rashotte AM (2017) Cytokinin Response Factor 5 has transcriptional activity governed by its C-terminal domain. Plant Signaling & Behavior 12: e1276684. PDF link
Zwack PJ, De Clercq I, Howton TC, Hallmark HT, Hurny A, Keshishian EA, Parish AM, Benkova E, Mukhtar MS, Van Breusegem F, Rashotte AM (2016) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 Represses Cytokinin-Associated Genes during Oxidative Stress. Plant Physiology. 172: 1249-1258. PDF link
Zwack PJ, Compton MA, Adams CI, Rashotte AM (2016) Cytokinin Response Factor 4 (CRF4) is induced by cold and involved in freezing tolerance. Plant Cell Reports. 35: 573-584. PDF link
Keshishian EA and Rashotte AM (2015) Plant Cytokinin Signalling.Essays in Biochemistry. 58: 13-27. PDF link
Zwack PJ and Rashotte AM (2015) Interactions between Cytokinin Signalling and Abiotic Stress Responses. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66: 4863-4871. PDF link
Gupta S and Rashotte AM (2014) Expression patterns of SlCRF3 and SlCRF5 in response to cytokinin and abiotic stress conditions in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Journal of Plant Physiology. 171: 349-358. PDF link
Shi X, Gupta S, Rashotte AM (2014) Characterization of Two Tomato AP2/ERF genes, SlCRF1 and SlCRF2 in Hormone and Stress Responses. Plant Cell Reports. 33: 35-45. PDF link
Zwack PJ and Rashotte AM (2013) Cytokinin Inhibition of Leaf Senescence. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 8: e24737. PDF link
Zwack PJ, Robinson BR, Risley MG, Rashotte AM (2013) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 Negatively Regulates Leaf Senescence and is Induced in Response to Cytokinin and Numerous Abiotic Stresses. Plant & Cell Physiology. 54: 971-981. PDF link
Shi X, Gupta S, Lindquist IE, Cameron CT, Mudge J, Rashotte AM (2013) Transcriptome analysis of cytokinin response in tomato leaves. PLoS ONE. 8: e55090. PDF link
Gupta S, Shi X, Lindquist IE, Devitt NP, Mudge J, Rashotte AM (2013) Transcriptome Profiling of Cytokinin and Auxin Regulation in Tomato Root. Journal of Experimental Botany. 64: 695-704. PDF link
Zwack PJ, Shi X, Robinson BR, Gupta S, Gerken DM, Compton MA, Goertzen LR, Rashotte AM (2012) Vascular expression and C-terminal sequence divergence of Cytokinin Response Factors in flowering plants. Plant & Cell Physiology 53: 1683-1695. PDF link
Gupta S and Rashotte AM (2012) Down-stream components of cytokinin signaling and the role of cytokinin throughout the plant. Plant Cell Reports. 31: 801-812. PDF link
Shi X and Rashotte AM (2012) Advances in upstream players of cytokinin phosphorelay: receptors and histidine phosphotransfer proteins. Plant Cell Reports. 31: 789-799. PDF link
Shi X, Gupta S, Rashotte AM (2012) Solanum lycopersicum Cytokinin Response Factors (SlCRFs) Genes: Characterization of CRF Domain Containing ERF Genes in Tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany. 63: 973-982. PDF link
Cutcliffe JW, Hellmann E, Heyl A, Rashotte AM (2011) CRFs Form Protein-Protein Interactions Among Each Other And With Members Of The Cytokinin-Signaling Pathway In Arabidopsis Via The CRF Domain.Journal of Experimental Botany. 62: 4995-5002. PDF link
Rashotte AM and Goertzen LR (2010) The CRF domain defines Cytokinin Response Factor proteins in plants. BMC Plant Biology. 10: 74.PDF link
Meeting Presentations
(Underline indicates lab members)
Khanna RR, Buchheit A Hasannin O, Thennakoon M, Černý M, Rashotte AM (Poster) trans-Zeatin and trans-Zeatin N-Glucosides Regulate Cytokinin Signaling and Delay Salt-Stress Accelerated Leaf Senescence. 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, San Diego, CA
Hasannin O, Khanna R, Černý M, Rashotte AM (Poster) Identification of Dual Phase molecular regulation of leaf senescence by cytokinin isoforms. 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, San Diego, CA
Thennakoon M, Khanna RR, Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Poster) Physiological and transcriptomic effects of cytokinin in delaying salt stressed leaf senescence in Arabidopsis and tomato. 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, San Diego, CA
Hasannin O, Khanna R, Rashotte AM (Oral) Two-Phase Cytokinin Response in Delaying Leaf Senescence: Insights from Dark-Induced Senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology (GRS) Gordon Research Seminar, Understanding and Engineering Molecular Mechanisms of Plant Function and Sustainability, Holderness, NH
Hasannin O, Khanna R, Rashotte AM (Oral) Two-Phase Cytokinin Response in Delaying Leaf Senescence: Insights from Dark Induced Senescence in Arabidopsis. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Dauphin Island, AL
Thennakoon M, Khanna RR, Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Oral) Cis-Zeatin delays leaf senescence in Solanum lycopersicum under salt stress as shown by physiological and transcriptomic analysis. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Dauphin Island, AL
Khanna RR, Hasannin O, Thennakoon M, Černý M, Rashotte AM (Oral) Salt-Stress Accelerated Leaf Senescence is Delayed by N-conjugated trans-Zeatin type Cytokinin forms in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Dauphin Island, AL
Hasannin O, Khanna R, Černý M, Rashotte AM (Oral) Two-Phase Cytokinin Response in Delaying Leaf Senescence: Insights from Dark Induced Senescence in Arabidopsis. The University of West Alabama 12th Annual University Research Symposium, Livingston, AL
Khanna R, Thennakoon M, Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Poster) trans-Zeatin N-Glucosides Bring Unique Changes to Transcriptome Profile of Senescing Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana under Salt-exposure. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Savannah, GA
Hasannin O, Khanna R, Rashotte AM (Poster) Time-Dependent Dynamics of Cytokinin Isoforms in Leaf Senescence: A Comparative Study between Base and Conjugated Forms. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Savannah, GA
Thennakoon M, Khanna R, Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Poster) Response of Cytokinin Response Factors on heat stress in Arabidopsis thaliana and the role of cytokinin in delaying senescence. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Savannah, GA
Rashotte AM (Oral) Cytokinin N-Conjugated Forms are Involved in Delaying Natural and Abiotic Stress Senescence. Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development Symposium (ACPD 2023), Prague, Czech Republic
Pokorná E, *Hallmark HT, Dobrev PI, Rashotte AM, Filepová R, Novák O, Motyka V (Poster) Physiological Effects of CK N-glucosides in Plants. Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development Symposium (ACPD 2023), Prague, Czech Republic
Rashotte AM, Khanna R, Hasannin O (Poster) Multiple N-conjugated forms of Cytokinins are Involved in Delaying Natural and Abiotic Stress Senescence. 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Chiba, Japan
Khanna R, Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Oral) trans-Zeatin N-Glucosides Regulate Salt-Induced Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Fayetteville, AR
Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Oral) Exploring the Potential of N-glucoside Forms of Cytokinin in Delaying Leaf Senescence. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Fayetteville, AR
Thennakoon M, Khanna R, Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Poster) Effect of Cytokinin in tomato stress response and delay in leaf senescence. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Fayetteville, AR
Rashotte AM, Hasannin O, Khanna RR (Poster) Multiple Cytokinin-N-Glucosides Delay Senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Portland, OR
Khanna RR, Rashotte AM (Poster) Cytokinin N-glucosides reverse salt-mediated photosynthetic repression in Arabidopsis. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Birmingham, AL
Hasannin O, Rashotte AM (Poster) An eye-opening on the long-forgotten cytokinins; investigating the role of DHZ & its conjugates in senescence bioassays of tomato and Arabidopsis leaves. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Birmingham, AL
Guillemette A, Rashotte A, Leisner, C (Poster) Systems Biology Approach to Understanding the Effects of Elevated Temperature on Tuber Development in Potato. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Birmingham, AL
Rashotte AM, Hallmark HT (Poster) N-conjugated Cytokinins are Involved in Delaying Senescence. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Worldwide Summit – Online
Rashotte AM, Keshishian EA, Hallmark HT, Cliver BR, McLaughlin WF, Plačková L, Novák O, Cobine PA, Goertzen LR (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factor 2 is involved in modulating cytokinin levels in response to salt stress. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Worldwide Summit – Online
Rashotte AM, Hallmark HT (Poster) Forgotten Activity of N-conjugated Cytokinins. 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research – Online
Rashotte AM (Oral) Cytokinin Response Factor 2 is involved in modulating cytokinin levels in response to salt stress. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section – Online
Hallmark HT, Rashotte AM (Poster) Cytokinin-N-Glucosides Delay Senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Worldwide Summit – Online
Rashotte AM, Keshishian EA, Hallmark HT, Plačková L, Novák O, Cobine PA, Goertzen LR (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factor 2 is involved in modulating salt stress response. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Worldwide Summit – Online
Hughes AM, Zwack PJ, Cobine PA, Rashotte AM (Poster) Cytokinin regulation of plant potassium levels requires CRF6. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, San Jose, CA
Hallmark HT, Pokorna E, Brock L, Werner T, Motyka V, Rashotte AM (Poster) Cytokinin-N-glucosides are involved in delaying senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, San Jose, CA
Rashotte AM (Oral) Roles of Cytokinin Response Factors in different environmental stress responses. Plant Development and Production Biology under Global Climate Change, Brno Czech Republic
Hallmark HT, Plačková L, Brock L, Werner T, Novák O, Rashotte AM (Poster) Are cytokinin N-glucosides active players in cytokinin physiology? 23rd International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Paris, France
Hluska T, Pokorná E, Dobrev P, Hallmark T, Doležálková L, Filepová R, Rashotte A, V. Motyka (Poster) Cytokinin N-glucosides: genesis, activity and fate. 23rd International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Paris, France
Hallmark HT, Plačková L, Novák O, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Trans-Zeatin-N-Glucosides exhibit some cytokinin activity and uniquely alter the transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Montreal, Canada
Hughes AM, Zwack PJ, Cobine PA, Rashotte AM. (Poster) The role of CRF6 is cytokinin-regulation potassium transport. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Montreal, Canada
Rashotte AM, Hallmark HT, Keshishian EA, Powell RV, Hughes AM, Plačková L, Novák O, Goertzen LR. (Poster) Cytokinin forms, Stress response and Cytokinin Response Factors. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Montreal, Canada
Rashotte AM, Hallmark HT, Keshishian EA, Powell RV, Hughes AM, Plačková L, Novák O, Goertzen LR Goertzen. (Poster) Cytokinin, Stress, and the Role of CRFs. 29th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Turku, Finland
Rashotte AM, Hallmark HT, Keshishian EA, Powell RV, Hughes AM, Plačková L, Novák O, Goertzen LR Goertzen. (Oral) Cytokinin-stress connections and the role of CRFs. Fifth International Symposium of Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, Prague, Czech Republic
Pokorna E, Dolezalkova L, Dobrev PI, Hallmark HT, Rashotte A, Galuszka P, Mrizova K, Motyka V. (Poster) Are cytokinin-N7- and N9-glucosides active players in cytokinin metabolisms? Fifth International Symposium of Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, Prague, Czech Republic
Keshishian EA, Hallmark HT, Plačková L, Novák O, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Salt and oxidative stresses uniquely regulate tomato cytokinin levels and transcriptomic response. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, New Orleans, LA
Powell RV, Willett C, Goertzen LR, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Comparative genomics of cis-regulatory elements in cytokinin response factors. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, New Orleans, LA
Rashotte AM, Hallmark HT, Keshishian EA, Powell RV, Dalis M, Hughes AM, Plačková L, Novák O, Goertzen LR Goertzen. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors are involved in regulating active/inactive pools of cytokinin under stress conditions. 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, St. Louis, MO
Keshishian EA, Plačková L, Novák O, Rashotte AM. (Poster) CRF2 modulates cytokinin levels in response to salt stress. 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, St. Louis, MO
Hughes AM, Zwack PJ, Cobine PA, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin regulation of a potassium transport module occurs in a CRF6-dependent manner. 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, St. Louis, MO
Rashotte AM, Hallmark HT, Keshishian EA, Powell RV, Dalis M, Hughes AM, Plačková L, Novák O, Goertzen LR. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors are involved in regulating active/inactive pools of cytokinin under stress conditions. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Honolulu, HI
Locy RD, Johnson M, Keshishian E, Austin R, Sikora E, Lawrence K, Conner K, Rashotte A. (Poster) An atlas of gene expression in soybean leaves and roots infested with root-knot nematode and soybean cyst nematode. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Honolulu, HI
Keshishian EA, Cobine PA, Plačková L, Novák O, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors 1 & 2 Response to Abiotic Stress During Germination. 22nd International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Hughes AM, Parish AM, Zwack PJ, Cobine PA, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Functional Analysis of Cytokinin-Dependent Targets of Cytokinin Response Factor 6. 22nd International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Rashotte AM, Zwack PJ, De Clercq I, Howton TC, Hallmark HT, Keshishian EA, Hurny A, Plačková L, Novák O, Benkova E, Mukhtar SM, Van Breusegem F. (Poster) Arabidopsis Cytokinin Response Factor 6 Represses Cytokinin Related Genes in Response to Oxidative Stress to Promote Tolerance. 22nd International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Rashotte AM. (Oral) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 is a key regulator of cytokinin and oxidative stress. 26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Paris, France
Zwack PJ, Hallmark HT, De Clercq I, Van Breusegem F, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 is a key regulator of cytokinin and oxidative stress. 26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Paris, France
Keshishian EA, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Characterization of Cytokinin Response Factors 1 and 2 in response to abiotic stress. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN
Zwack PJ, Hallmark HT, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 is a key regulator of cytokinin and oxidative stress. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN
Keshishian EA, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Characterization of Cytokinin Response Factors 1 and 2 in response to abiotic stress. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Dauphin Island, AL
Hughes AM, Zwack PJ, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Characterization of the role of Cytokinin Response Factor 5 in stress responses. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Dauphin Island, AL
Hallmark T, Miller PW, Zwack PJ, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Examination of Cytokinin Response Factor 7 during development, hormone, and stress response. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Dauphin Island, AL
Zwack PJ, Rashotte AM. (Oral) Characterization of the role of Cytokinin Response Factor 5 in stress responses. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists – Southern Section, Dauphin Island, AL
Rashotte AM. (Oral) Cytokinin Response Factors, branching out into stress and senescence. Fourth International Symposium of Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, Prague, Czech Republic
Zwack PJ, Johnson EV, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Inhibition of development and stress-induced leaf senescence by Cytokinin Response Factor 6. 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Vancouver, Canada
Zwack PJ, Swinka C, Keshishian EA, Adams CI, Compton MA, Heyl A, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Functional genomics of Cytokinin Response Factors: Analysis of a diverse sub-group of AP2/ERF transcription factors. 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Vancouver, Canada
Gupta S, Shi X, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Tomato Cytokinin Response Factors SlCRF1, 2, 3, and 5 are regulated by cytokinin and various abiotic stresses. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Providence, RI
Zwack PJ, Johnson EV, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors involved in the inhibition of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis and tomato. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Providence, RI
Zwack PJ, Robinson BR, Risley MG, Rashotte AM. (Oral) Cytokinin Response Factors 5 and 6 integrate sugar, stress, and cytokinin signals in regulating senescence. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Austin, TX
Zwack PJ, Robinson BR, Risley MG, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors 5 and 6 integrate sugar, stress, and cytokinin signals in regulating senescence. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Austin, TX
Gupta S, Shi X, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Involvement of cytokinin response factors SlCRFs in tomato development. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Austin, TX
Zwack PJ, Robinson BR, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 mediates cytokinin delayed senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Senescence Gordon Research Conference, Easton, MA
Rashotte AM, Zwack PJ, Shi X, Robinson BR, Gupta S, Goertzen LR. (Poster) Vascular Expression and C-terminal Sequence Divergence of Cytokinin Response Factors in Angiosperms. Plant Vascular Development 2012, Vienna, Austria
Rashotte AM, Zwack PJ, Shi X, Compton MA, Goertzen LR. (Poster) Vascular Expression is found across diverged clades of Cytokinin Response Factors with unique functional roles. 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Vienna, Austria
Rashotte AM, Zwack PJ, Shi X, Gupta S, Compton MA, Goertzen LR. (Oral) Cytokinin regulation of Cytokinin Response Factors and other transcripts in tomato and Arabidopsis. 2nd Meeting on Cytokinin Metabolism, Signaling and Function, Berlin, Germany
Gupta S, Shi X, Zwack PJ, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Involvement of cytokinin regulated genes SlCRF3 and SlCRF5 in tomato leaf development. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN
Shi X, Gupta S, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Tomato SlCRF1 and SlCRF2 may play multiple roles in leaf development and stress response. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN
Zwack PJ, Shi X, Gupta S, Gerken DM, Goertzen LR, Rashotte AM. (Poster) CRF Proteins are involved in several leaf developmental processes in flowering plants. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN
Zwack PJ, Gerken DM, Robinson BR, Goertzen LR, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors show vascular expression and phylogenic clade specific function. 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Madison, WI
Zwack PJ, Rogers PB, Gerken DM, Cutcliffe JW, Hellmann E, Heyl A, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors in Arabidopsis. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Montreal, Canada
Gupta S, Shi X, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin regulation of CRFs in tomato leaf and root. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Montreal, Canada
Shi X, Gupta S, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Expression Patterns of Tomato Cytokinin Response Factor Genes and Their Regulation by Cytokinin during Tomato Development. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Montreal, Canada
Cutcliffe JW, Shi X, Gupta S, Zwack PJ, Gerken DM, Hellmann E, Heyl A, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Interactions and Expression Analysis of Cytokinin Response Factors in Arabidopsis and Tomato. 20th International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Tarragona, Spain
Cutcliffe JW, Hellmann E, Goertzen LR, Heyl A, Rashotte AM. (Poster) CRFs form protein-protein interactions among each other and with members of the cytokinin-signaling pathway. 21st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Yokohama, Japan
Shi X, Gupta S, Cutcliffe JW, Pepper LC, Hellmann E, van Noorden G, Goertzen LR, Beeckman T, Heyl A, Rashotte AM. (Oral-Invited) Cytokinin Response Factors in Arabidopsis and Tomato. Third International Symposium of Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, Prague, Czech Republic
van Noorden G, Vanneste S, Rashotte AM, Beeckman T. (Oral) The role of Cytokinin Response Factors during lateral root initiation. Third International Symposium of Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, Prague, Czech Republic
Shi X, Cutcliffe JW, Pepper LC, Hellmann E, Van Noorden G, Goertzen LR, Kieber JJ, Beeckman T, Heyl A, Rashotte AM. (Oral-Invited) Cytokinin Signaling and Cytokinin Response Factors in Arabidopsis and Tomato. Southeastern Regional Society for Developmental Biologist Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL
Cutcliffe JW, Hellmann E, Van Noorden G, Goertzen LR, Kieber JJ, Beeckman T, Heyl A, Rashotte AM. (Poster) Cytokinin Response Factors: Domains, Interactions, and Expression. 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Montreal, Canada
Rashotte AM and Kieber JJ. (Oral) The role of cytokinin response factors in plant development. 19th International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
To J, Rashotte A, Hutchison C, Ferreira F, Schaller E, Kieber J. (Oral) Cytokinin signalling: Two-components and more. 19th International Plant Growth Substances Association Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Sawyer R, Mason M, Mathews D, Palmer C, Argyros DA, Rashotte A, Kieber J, Schaller GE (Poster) Arabidopsis type-B response regulators in cytokinin signaling. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Chicago, IL